1 голос
Актори: Стефані Беннетт, Марко Граззіні, Брент Стейт, Коллін Вілер, Ліна Ренна, Емма Олівер, Б.Дж. Харрісон, Лаура Солтіс, Том Пікетт

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Інформація про фільм

  • Країна Канада
  • Рік 2020
  • Продюсер Семмі Астані
  • Режисер Люсі Гест


Erin is a young woman who is raising her two daughters alone. She sincerely wants to celebrate Christmas in the company of her family, her mother and daughters. But her plans don't come true as Pamela goes on a cruise with her new boyfriend. The festive dinner breaks down, but despite this, Erin does not want to answer her father's calls. The man left the family when she was still a child, and since then the heroine has not maintained a relationship with him. But the daughters persuade their mother to go to their grandfather for Christmas. Erin follows their lead and they hit the road. The heroine does not even suspect what changes await her on this magical holiday...
Плеєр Українською Плеєр 2
1 голос
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